I have to keep repeating it. Even after all the preparation to last Thursday's official release of my debut novel, I still pinch myself. I finally did it. I'm a published author!
But of course this was not a solo effort. If I've learned anything on this journey from first draft to holding a printed copy of my book, it's that you can't travel this path alone. The Acknowledgements are stuck at the back, but they are some of the most important pages. I am lucky to have a wife and two daughters who inspire and support me. Professional help - editors, cover designers, formatters - was invaluable, as were those friends who reviewed early drafts of the text and helped steer my story in the right direction. I want to give major props to my "launch team", those of you who read the book just before its release and have published reviews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Goodreads. And I want to thank all of you who have signed up for my newsletter, sent me messages of encouragement either directly or on social media, and stopped me in the hallway to ask me about my book. It means the world to me.
On Thursday night, I hosted a Launch Party at a wonderful local bookstore called The Novel Neighbor in Webster Groves. I was both humbled and, honestly, overwhelmed at the number of people who came out to celebrate with me. Many indie authors do not have the support system I do, and I am very aware of how lucky I am. Thank you, all!

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